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The Fact That I Will Survive

Updated: Dec 2, 2020

The Fact That I Will Survive

By — Emily Ashlyn (emmiepooh2) [head of the reviewers]

❝What a beautiful thing it is, to be able to stand tall and say, 'I fell apart, and I survived.'❞


By just looking at the quote, think about it. Now tell me, how did it make you feel? Do you agree with it? Can you understand the impact of short and simple vocabulary?

Now that you have read and thought, here are the reasons why I chose that quote. I started this week's article off with the discussion of mental health. Not only is it affecting more people due to COVID-19, but it causes a lot more problems for the ones pre-COVID diagnosed. Mental health covers a large spectrum of disorders. For instance, I know people who are struggling to live every day as it is with their differentiating (also known as, a disability) ability.

Also, I know others who have different mental disorders, who are actually living their best life indoors because of this virus. Life is harder now, I will say... but that is just a hurdle we are fighting right now. In due time, it will be over and it will strengthen us.

But the main thing to think about, when thinking about yourself, are you a survivor or a victim? For me, I AM a survivor. I have been through my version of Hell and got my flipping t-shirt. Now for you, if you said you're a victim then ask yourself why? Think about what you can change to make life just a little bit easier.

I will refer to my experience a lot and admit, I have not always stayed on the winning end of my mental health. Because you shouldn't be ashamed of falling down! Only think you can be, when you don't get your butt up and be the best you that you can be. Options are limited during this time that you can do but they are there. They are diverse and I will gladly share some!

× go to your local bookstore (preferably a locally owned one/used bookstore) and buy a book that you haven't read × buy self-care items × write a novel × join a community/society × dress up sometimes (even when you can't go outside) × most importantly, just take some time for yourself and don't just do a simple fifteen minutes, do thirty minutes or longer.

Because we will all be survivors of mental health and we will be badasses when we are! We will not allow mental illness to win and cause us to be another statistic. We will all unite together and continue to believe in ourselves.

Just keep telling ourselves that we CAN do it and we will. Now, here are some photos to help you with your mental health in quarantine and your zodiac sign during the quarantine. Let us know your zodiac!

Until next time, I am Emily Ashlyn and this is The Masked Women's Club's weekly magazine article!


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