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Dreaming Big: From a Woman's Point of View

Dreaming Big: From a Woman's Point of View

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Every woman was once a little girl with big dreams; Believe in yourself and never quit dreaming.


"Dream" is a word that every single person has ever heard. Dream big is everyone's goal in life, but with women, how far is it achievable?

Girls, young women have the right to dream. Not just dream but they have the right to dream big.

We, women, are often told the goal of our life as soon as we can understand what a career is. Some may say, housewife, some might say, Yale, some might say marriage, but as humans, we have the tendency to dream. The question is this dream of ours comes with a few ups and downs.

Dreams when achieved is a fairytale and dreams when not achieved are our worst nightmare. When we dream, due to the external environment, our minds are trained to think in a set way once someone specifies what you are made for. It is a hard truth.

When we have minds that work just like the rest of the human population, then we have the right to dream big like the rest of the human population.

There should be nothing holding us back from dreaming big and achieving those dreams. Here are some tips and tricks of achieving and dreaming big:

xDo not be afraid to dream big.

xDream big but plan small.

xTrack your progress.

xGet the right support.

xTake motivation from quotes by different personalities.

xTake action.

xFailure is part of the journey. If you fail, take it as your motivation and move on.

So, women, please break out the monotonous thought and dream big and shine brighter. There's nothing stopping you.

Untill next time,


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